huihui's little piece of haven


dudette | diarium | foto graf | angels | academique | cogitation

:: Reflections, and sh*t ::

well, for those who know me, they will know me for having actions strongly governed by impulse, being unable to endure restrictions on my freedom. rights i call them. outspoken and at times argumentative, sarcastic, and indiscrete. well i do know my faults, though I dun really consider them as faults, but rights i call them. on the surface, i am a bubbly, outgoing, cheeky and loud, almost without a sense of shame or embarassment. that i am. yet I am private. no, I do not seek isolation, i enjoy the company of people: my friends, my family, my loved ones etc, yet when it comes to my innermost thoughts and feelings, i hardly allow any to enter. only a special few whom had touched my heart are allowed into my inner world. even so, not everyone understands the real me. because in fact, not one, not even myself, knows.

i love to day dream, talk to myself, dream of the future. recently, i keep thinking about what comes after death. its so frightening. but hey let's avoid speaking about the inevitable. sheesh.

i dream of the future, i dream of myself being a grandma, with my grandchildren running around, with my husband, still loving as ever, hand in hand, taking care of them as our children are busy with their career. i dream of a wonderful family. guess afterall, i'm just a little woman, and family life somehow comes into the picture more than being a successful entrpreneur or anything. not that i don't want to be successful too. but well, nothing beats being a tai tai. rich tai tai. :D

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