huihui's little piece of haven
dark angels


dudette | steps of my life | diarium | my angels | dark angels | academique | cogitation | paparazzi


Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friend will leave footprints in your heart.

here are some, people of bigger footprints.

fusheng / mark

this is fusheng, or mark, as he prefers. my recent best friend in life cos we are quite eng ppl. together with ping, and kit, 4 of us often hang out and stone together to shoot a game of pool or rollerblade. he is someone i know much in length, but not depth. in other words, know him for long, but not very well. hopefully friendship can continue and grow stronger la.


this space is meant for wilson, but well havent found a nice pic for him yet, so better not publish in case he kills me.

anyway, this is a long time friend, one who understands me very well, in fact, one of the few guys in life whom i can relate so well to. we went thru lots together, so now even if we dun tok or meet for donkey months, we'll still feel comfortable when we meet up and tok kok.

adrian n jingzhong


ok these are 2 of my online dark angels, cos they belong to my cyber world. kind of, we came from the same jc, and during tt time, we gone through all the shit to get #ajc going...

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