hui hui's diarium
apr 01


apr 01 | mar 01 | feb 02 | jan 01

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monday, 29th april 2002, 0112 hrs
like my baby, i am progressing everyday. as he walks further and faster in his crutches, i drive further and faster too. today, the significant 1st time i hit the expressway. i only drove at 80km/h, alongside the lorries and vans. lol. i still need lottsa brushing up with my parking and estimation shit, since we took our test with poles and shit which we can cheat our way through. i want to be a safe driver, cos i dowan to die young, nor kill anyone, so its better if i dun drive by myself until i am more familiar with my dad's car and the roads and all that.
a happy family day today, with me as the chauffeur.
suddenly decided to read his site again. not updated for 1/2 a year. but heck. from the looks of it he seem like some young at heart kinda guy who mixes around with some ah bengs and ah lians and little kids who "steps" on some ddr machine. but its more than just stepping to him, it involves freestyle dancing, chrographing the moves, sychronising with a team member, adding in break dance steps. well i am not the right person to elaborate, neither am i interested or mused by them, but i respect his passion, and am proud of him. afterall, he doesn't pay money to go for hip hop or breaking classes, but he can dance just as well, if not better. :D
and he is so smart. :D

friday, april 26th 2002, 2114hrs
slept the whole entire day to make up for the past weeks lack of sleep. drove my mom to the clinic cos she's got upset tummy. doctor says its gastric flu, but a mild one. i keep having the image of the gastric sneezing. oh dun mind me.
me and ping decided that we sell tickets until zhou2 hou3 ru4 mo2 already. when we see posters, we say wah this poster cost 15 bucks, and tt will cost 30 bucks. we call up primary school friends, secondary school friends, JC friends, ex colleagues, we go irc to promote, to hardsell. we are NUTS. wonder. does the group sell as hard as us?
tommorrow going down to sunset bay and mahalo to promote our party. will be distributing the flyers at the beach. so if you happen to go there, i'll see you!
anyway my postcards are ready. any volunteers willing to come get like 20 or 30 from me to distribute to their friends? anyone? elf? zhiping? quiet people who do not chat in the chatterbox? let me know ok? i will appreciate your help. *smiles*
0108 hrs
im hungry. went out to celebrate for a while lar. quite stone oso.
nothing to say. Edit

thursday, 25th april 2002,  1658 hrs
had a scary dream just. dreamt that i was super short, car seat too back, can't see properly can't drive properly, then buang. somehow after that i am on a bike trying to send my friends to the hospital. then fell again.
it is really frightening leh, woke up all jumpy and all
is it a bad omen? or is it just being over escastic? i dun wan tt kinda dream again. :(
am now a proud owner of a P plate. :D

wednesday, 24th april 2002, 10.36am
*yawns* so sleepy. have been waking up early for the past few days despite the fact that EXAMS ARE OVER!!!! hehe.. but i guess people who are reading this now are finishing your exams soon right? so just hang in there, it'll be fine, tho i can't speak for my own.
in school now, amazingly, for a make up presentation becos poor john hurt his leg the other time. its so irritating, becos the whole thing would have been called off had it not been som enthusiastic students who wanted the presentation to go on, but guess what? they are either in super star virgo now, or remain uncontactable. so irritating. grrr..
tommorrow is d-day. yup. all the $32.40 per lesson is paying off, IF AND ONLY IF (<->) i pass of course. which of course i hope. hopefully this site will have a HUGE font size of I'VE PASSED! tmr lar. hopefully.
went back to nanjya monjya restaurant to work. surprisingly the people there are nicer already, isit becos i am looking more like them with my new hair color? there was a customer who approached me to enquire about my age. apparently he and his boss were betting on my age, and they were all wrong! 1 guess 23, the other 21. haha. i feel so happy. 1st time in my life ppl tink i am older than my age.
whatever it is, i still cannot get over their bus ad. next time u take a bus 7, take note okie? if there is a "smile with us, eat wif us" bus ad with 3 cheesy looking para para wannabe jap gers, yeah that's the place i work at, working tonight too. sian sian sian sian sian. 
anyway, heard about the nus shootout? just found out from elf's site just as i was visiting it. so crazy. if you still dunno what i am talking about, its time to visit straits time interactive. hiak hiak.
beach party beach party. seems to be the only concern in my life already. can't wait. somehow think that there will be lotsa ppl turning up. :D all my worthy friends who actually love me will go right? hiak hiak hiak...

Which movie heroine are you?

this is me, so obiang

this is ping, even worse
sunday, april 21st 2002, 2226 hrs
 a lazy sunday that was actually quite busy. ok tt's ironic. put it this way. i achieve much nor do much, but the whole day seem like a busy day where i was out here and there. more like a family day today. dad let me learn parking on his car. so fun. but no pole, so erm anyhow lar.
anyway had to go circuit again, den my car roll backwards on the slope. immediate failure. rite? so ez thing oso cannot do properly. SIGH
0148 hrs
a saturday full of accomplishment. paid up sunset bay the deposit for the venue fee, talked to her and clarified some stuff, talked to the group in our emergency meeting for the beach party. distributed posters at annex and far east and sentosa. ping sold another 6 tickets.
din enjoy myself at the beach much. was raining, and after running about orchard for the morning and noon it was quite stone. but beaches are meant to be relaxing, so all we did was to sit there
and stone.
poor ping lost her hp. heng its not the nokia 8310 but gd 90. its time to change hp oso lar, tho she is alwiz very happy with it. now that mark bought a new 8310 too, his old garang looking gd 90 has passed on to ping. wad nice timing. lol
but she so kelian. stupid guy off her fone after he took it. gd oso wan to steal tsk tsk.
he is being discharged tmr! :Dfriday, 19th april 2002, 2.03am
wanted to just come online for a little while to check the mails and update the blogs, ended up with so much shit to do. *sigh* so freaking irritating. but heck, i got loads of time to spare.
he is at the hospital now going for reconstructive surgery for his torn ligament at his feet area. so poor thing. i must wake up early in the morning tommorrow to visit him. hope i can wake up in time. sigh look at the time now.
was nagged and nagged and scolded and scolded by my instructor. grrrr i hate instructors, just cause you can't drive tt well (which is why you go to them), they nag none stop. and not being able to make it for lessons that he want me to take extra on saturday at a weird timing of 5.30pm makes me an irresponsible person who does not want to pass. but hello i din arrange that time slot. ARGh oh nm.
daddy's birthday today. i nearly forgot, and din get anything for him, and for my mom last month. feel so damn bad. shall do something nice for mother and father's day. its his 50th birthday, boy am i a useless daughter!
the postcards will be out only next week! so irritating. drag and drag dunno want to drag until when oso. im afraid we don't meet the sales target and get too little money for our beneficeries. how? pls help me by letting your friends know more about the party ok? :)
good luck to all NUS and NTU students! SIM too, if your exams are nearing. and erm, informatics ppl too! if you guys have exams.

wednesday, 17th april 2002, 7.42pm
YAY its over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so happy!!! just woke up after a cat nap, and mr aaron kwok wannabe is beside me. :D he is actually asked to join some funny boy band thingy, but then... haiii.. someone cannot sing at all.
anyway, must whine man... I FORGOT TO DO THE LAST QUESTION FOR STATS!!!!! AND IT IS WORTH 15 MARKS!!!!! i din noe there were 6 questions, and i only did 5, and that's it. :( as ping says, lets just keep our toes crossed. :~( BUT, we are going clubbing today!!!! see you guys at mohd sultan rd.
ok going off for din din~
so hapi... dunno what to do for 4 months. heeheeehahahahhahahehehehehehhahahahahahahhrhehehehhahahaha



monday, 15th april 2002, 2.45pm
end of day one of the examinations. just another two days to go. woohoo~. can't say the exam paper was fantastic, given that i always dun listen in class and all that shit (er no im not very proud of tt) but it is actually doable. erm, i wun get like As or Bs, but i think i can pass, and hopefully with my projects and all i can even get like a C+ or a B-. but talk so much sekali get a da bao den i noe. :((( cannot imagine myself taken that subject again. im never cut to be in the accounting field man.
anyway, dreaming of wednesday already. *grinz* exams over! exams over! exams over! exams over! i already listed out a couple of things to do from wednesday till 20th august. yeah!!!!! let's just list it here to be happy.
1. sun tan --> not that i am that keen cos i am really very tan already, but miss teh si wants to go, so we have to go lar. i can use spf 15, while she use spf 0 tanning oil and look so babeish and just scare all the ang mohs @ bayshore off.
place to be: bayshore condo, serangoon gardens country club, sentosa. with ping and whoever who wants to tan and swim (while i learn to swim)
2. weight loss scheme --> lol... must lost weight to look okay in soiree mar, can u imagine the flabs... haha.. cant even bear to say/think
place to be: everywhere that we can think of that is calories consuming lar.
3. bowling --> need i say more? :D i must bowl until i drop. and get all the amazing spares in the world
4. genting --> dunno y we are going there again, cos its cheap and cooling i guess. we are intending to get a tour malaysia trip, going from malacca to genting to kl to redang. but where art thou money??? :(
place to be: malaysia, truly asia...
5. REDANG! but i dun wanna scuba dive. i can't even swim. *wails at mark and ping* anyway i dun wanna go with other ppl ah.
6. rollerblade: promised to bring clifford to rollerblade, because he thinks singapore is so sad, and as an ambassador of singapore (management university) i decided to bring him around all the weird places in singapore, and we'll start with the totally not very beach like east coast park. oh we shall ice skate some other time too! kallang, not jurong. :D
so excited until cannot think of anywhere else. other activities include wakeboarding, shopping (yeah!), passing my driving license, going for big walk (and mebbe we can happen to win that nissan cefiro lol) cooking session at my house, night cycling, clubbing, stoning, going down to ntu and nus to laugh at those poor souls and force them to buy our beach party tickets. so on and so forth.
ok time to sleep. bye!
sunday, 14th april 2002, 1.07am
ok ok its now just a day before my exams. freaking. basically i kinda studied the whole day, although its like not much in content i feel, but it was just sit here from 11am, except that i watch tv occasionally and talk on the phone and slack and lie on the bed. feel quite accomplished although i supposed its the right thing to do. *sigh*
dunno how to pass my exams.
and i already vow to study harder. i know its not undoable. just an hour or 2 a few times a week to just read ahead, or after class. then i wun be in this sad plight already, learning instead of revising. SOBS.
there is alwayz next term... *sings*
anyway look at the new engineered jeans! so pretty.... i wan it man... i wan so many things.. tsk tsk... and exams is going to be over in 4 days!!!! woohoo!!! got all my soiree plans out. kakaka

look at the new engineered jeans!
i wan i wan (click to enlarge)

friday, 12th april 2002, 3.41pm
3 days to exams!!!! *exclaims!* trying hard to study in school now, zhiping is here trying to teach us, had been useful but were more gossiping because of some guy that is apparently here to keep her company while she errr teach us? tsk tsk tsk... zhiping ah... tsk tsk tsk tsk
now they are buying food, and i have to go study even harder already. :~( btw postcards will be printed out, soiree will be successful! meanwhile i have to study very hard, and 6 days later then i will mingle and think hard about soiree, i should be just like every other members in the group who neglect the project for studies. i mean, what is the point of being so wei da. right? so ... yups... sickening stats here i come again!

I am a toaster!
what kitchen utensil are YOU?

thursday, 11th april 2002, 5.21pm
decided to be useful and came to school for the class, ended up learning quite a bit. but still worried. at this rate i would predict my MA to be a C tops, and since i dunno a shit about stats, a C+ as well, if lucky, and if i start studying it tommorrow. AS is also another killer, which i predict another C, or if lucky, a B- or C+.  C averages = low GPA = :(
cannot imagine i still have to go down town to meet up that stupid postcard at the 11th hour of my exams. ARGH. while the rest of the group relak one corner and concentrate on their exam. dunno do so much for what also, ppl give me poor feedback in the end, while ppl who never open their mouth in their life in discussions get better feedbacks. but then again who cares what the whole world thinks. ok im contradicting myself.
i know i am SO irrelevant, but i just had to tell you guys about my amazing amazing spare i hit on tuesday, which i forgot to mention. It was SO AMAZING. as usual i will draw out the pins. kakaka
X  O  O  O X
X  O  O
O  O
I SPARED IT~~~~!!!!!!
yups that's all. bye.
tried to study, not a lot done, and realised that ma is so freaking tough. although i read through the notes and thought i know, my answers are all wrong, either that i can't do shit. *stressed*
slept my night away, so tired. stupid driving is a waste of time, and i am so broke. lucky staying at home to study. i need to find a job quick.
dun wanna talk much, time to hit the books again. anyway i just spilled milo on my table, heng never kana my laptop.
i hate exams

tuesday, 9th april 2002, 6.54pm
I HATE STATS. i dun understand a FUCK about regression, and the stupid idiot haf to give us some STUPID assignment tt is like so waste of time, irrelevant to the cirriculum A WEEK BEFORE EXAMS. what the fuck. and it din really help a lot that he is quite fucked up and can't teach for nuts. NUTS.
its not fair. some stupid class is having only half the topics tested. ya, the 1st half, the jc half, the easy like shit half. and we get a open bk exam with 18 chapters. stupid system. so unfair.
ran round and round the whole singapore just to get some stupid poster printed. ok tt sounds a lil too exaggerating, but after talking on the phone with ping till 5am (and i dunno y), groggily woke up at 9am, left home a tad too late for her daddy to drive us to a printshop, then we bravely took a cab and anyhow go to this supposedly laser printing company from ypages. it turn out to be those offices, really BIG print company where they print in '000s not single digit. *faints* but i called the company up and one sotong told me they print, tt's why we went. we sat there for 20 mins cos this ah gong worker din noe wad to do with us, and made us wait and wait, dunno for wad onli. finally, the boss was quite nice and decided to print for us seeing 2 poor souls coming down looking loss (or rather, quite happy looking at their neoprints) *phew* so much for a morning.
then we rush to school to find out that stupid MA final report is due at 11am, but we reached school at like 2. wrote schwang a funny note to explain why. so kok. later flew to school of business to get the tickets stamped, then flew to ngee ann poly to return stuff, then flew to mac to pass the poster to carine.
its not whole singapore lar, but its quite a day, although it was planned as a day of studying in school. wad a contrast. thankfully we decided to study a bit in mac, and managed to learn something new. feeling a teeny weeny bit scared about exams now. help!!
but im still going bowling tmr. kekeke.

sunday, april 7th 2002, 5.43pm
yeah! i finished my final report for my ma. *so proud* so tiring... now looking at it with pride, all filed up already. ping please remember to bring the appendix ok? the performance appraisal i mean.
woke up at 12 today, and till now, haven't done any studying. just ate a lot only.  *fat* i packed my table a little cos there's no room for writing, and it looks clean and pink. its not exactly neat, but may do with it first. cleaning my room will be one of the top priority i have for my 4 months of non stop holiday (!!!) and i want to have a clean room, gonna throw away a lot a lot of things...
found my neoprint book, those kiddish and pinkish looking things that used to aplease me a lot a few years back, and i realised that i really look very bad in secondary school! so toot. but all those neoprints brought back memories. remember the time neoprints were 4 bucks, small and only your face can be seen? the quality is quite bad, and the sticker is so small? yet we were so happy, and i was so addicted to them. god knows how much money i wasted on those stupid stickers. remember there was still a term call neoprint-genic, like photogenic, cos some of your friends simply looked good in neoprints and you don't know why. too lazy to scan, else i will show some of the ugliest neoprints here.
still don't feel the exam stress, and i have never did throughout my life. so weird, i mean i will study cos i noe i haf to, but when i don't, i dun feel bad. and this is not good at all. :(
and i want a digital camera!!! missed those days were camera in bag, and take photos all day long, which explains my foto-graf section in this website. but my camera has flown to ozland together with my bruder.
ok time to study again. i want to bowl tomorrow... and anyone knows were i can colour laser print an A3 sized picture?
its 2am. i just got home. nope did not go clubbing, but went cycling again. like so fun ah? today we explored the private estates behind serangoon stadium, and went to gardens area again. there is this freaky house that has a mannequin wearing ancient clothes at the garden with a white horse. and the mannequin is really life size, and smiling at me! i got a fright of my life. tsk tsk. we went to serangoon stadium too, but it was pitch black... so we didn't go in.
seems like seeing 2 girls and a guy cycling is weird, cos i see funny looks on people as we sit down at kopitam to get a cuppa 100+. all the funny ahbengs, laobengs, banglas, ppl who look like they just played badminton, look at us. haiyoh. crazy. anyway my bike has no light as i said, and darren brought out some lightsticks, and we had fun having lightsticks around our bicycle. as usual its gop from army one. tsk tsk tsk... and my backside hurts. :(
i feel like a failure because i never really studied today. i really wanted to, but i kinda stoned my day away. a bit of achievement lar, recapping the previous chapters of stats, those tt were taught in jc, but the new chaps, ji tao dun understand. waiting to borrow ppl's notes to xerox.. but at least i did some of my report for my stats due on monday, and going to edit my MA report which is due on monday too. after i write this blog.
i must be useful i must be useful i must be useful i must be useful i must be useful
whoever reading this blog now, please go to this link. and read it carefully, then spread the words around to the people around you and ask them to go to the link too k?
i miss him. he is clubbing now, enjoying himself. i am happy, cos he is happy. :)

saturday, 6th april 2002, 4.58pm
very bo liao. tried to study but erm a lil in vain. 5pm already and i haven't really studied but tried to read up stats, starting with the jc stuff, but was just skimming though without much concentration. so boring! i hate maths!
suddenly thought maybe i am in the wrong faculty. still feel that i am more inclined towards the arts side, and seeing 80% of my jc classmates in nus arts and quite happy makes me a lil sad, tho i am happy here, and perhaps, (just perhaps) i may be more successful in life with a BBM degree. but then again... *haiiii* nm lar. must try to be happy in life, especially since it is
9 days to exams!
anyway i am going off to study sickening stats again. whine whine whine.
just 11 days to freedom, and 16 weeks of non stop holiday fun in the sun!
i dun wan to give up my saturday and not study.... going off to study now!
today is really not my day. my day started off with driving lessons that i reached late because (1) the bus did not stop for me, (2) in kan jiongness i took the wrong bus and i had to walk damn far. driving instructor said something that pissed me off "study until so high level simple parking also cannot do properly." !##$%^*&^%&*&^%$%^&*(!!!!!!!!! SO irritating. i decided to anyhow drive after that, and he scold scold scold.
next destination: school for class and presentation. took the stupid bus from ubi to bukit timah, stone stone stone. once i step down the bus, hp ring. prof wrecked his leg. class cancelled. ARGH!!!! took bus back. stone further.
all the walking and bus taking around singapore took place with me dressed in smart wear, lugging laptop and other barang barang. i was like so stupid looking when i reach home.
the day picked up after i sleep the day away and slacked. ate dinner, watched bukit ho swee, then the sad sad viva la familie. at like 10pm, went out in my bike for fun with michelle. rode from my house to gardens, from gardens to kovan centre area. quite tiring but fun. will do it again. *looks forward to her slimmer legs* calf aching a bit. :(
long time since i last rode. anyway do you know whether i can get a locksmith to open my bike lock and make a new key for me cos i lost it. and is there any bike shops around serangoon area? it needs some maintainence. the one i used to go close down liao.
took somemore bo liao tests from elf's:
You can expect to die on:
February 3, 2059
at the age of 76 years old.
quite old ah?

thursday, 4th april 2002, 2.47pm
sian la. study whole day for the test, understand what is going on, and one small mistake led to every mcq wrong. i hate the kind of question where 1 leads to the other. so not fair. isn't it better not to study anymore?
hihi! morning! im not as cheery as i sound, cos its 12 + and my test is like in another 12 hours time. in fact, exactly so. wanted to came online to whine and chat with my friends lar.
amazingly i really just sat there and studied for the whole day. never done tt b4 in my life, but erm every 1 hour i will go and find food lar, on my tv, lie on my bed etc. but the whole day was study or do nothing. good start. lol. i'm not a slacker i'm not a slacker....
did something funny just now. after being bored, like for the 8th or 9th time, i decided to install the yoga cdrom tt me and ping bought when we went jb together with mark and fellow repertoires. it was so funny, cos me and my lil sis and my maid were all trying to do the stunts, and i mean not the basics but the headstand lar, all the funny funny thing. and the headstand thingy looks exactly like what dear does when he breakdance. haha... one day i will be a really good yoga master and can bend here bend here oso. a lil impatient just now, din wanna spend like 20 mins mediatating. so yup. after exams lar!
i received more orders for my soiree tix. have u ordered yours?

wednesday, 3rd april  2002, 5.51pm
feeling quite stone and a bit useless. trying very hard to study for tmr's test. and when i mean study, it means learning, not revising. so stressed for 5 mins, have to come online and whine.
i feel quite nerd today. my blogging is all about studies and studies.
and im sorry mark, for running off refusing to speak about soiree. i din actually run off, got dc so just went to sleep. answer u by tmr k. i'd ask the class. tho erm, no much hopes on high inputs.
and the speakers are missing. jason's gonna kill me for tt. wonder how much they cost..... *looks at my empty purse*
i am quite happy today! i sleep long, woke up at 10+ 11.... long time since i have woke up so late already. felt fresh and everything, skipped stats (cos its jus presentation n im not involved) and got ready for my wham! performance.
what exactly is wham!?
for our creative thinking module, we have the freedom to do anything, so long as it is creative. our group decided to come up with a genre of music and drama. (as quoted from mike) see, when u combine drama with music, its a musical, when u have drama with no sound, its a mime. so on and so forth. we combined, drama, with music expressed through not speech, but rhythms. all the speeches will be expressed through different rhythms played by the body, non-percussion instruments, ala forks spoons and whatever you can think of. with drama. with storyline. that's wham!
we had a simple storyline of a nerd who was reading the idiots guide to dating, with 2 lesbian couples in a park, and he saw this cute (supposedly) girl
and flirt a lil, but at the end of the day, got beaten up by her bf, blah blah. still got quite a bit more, but too lazy to say. anyway i dun tink anyone will get it. so sheesh nm... lallala
the real show was today, and i can say that it really is quite a success. we manage to hit our target of selling 100 tix, and my gosh we were really hard selling. so funny. imagine we were a lil like the mute/deaf people who place soft toys on your table, putting the tix there and asking them to buy. hee... too bad  1/3 of the ppl who bought the tix din turn up, but heck we had their $, and tt is all tt counts. its for charity btw if u guys were wondering.
i shall post up some of the pictures of the scene when it is ready. but most people here who read by blog were there oso lar, hiakz so... we'll see.
lets thanx some ppl here and be a lil drama:
mark & sweetie: thanx for doing the lightings and blinding your eyes for us. u were great!
jason and bing (tho i dun tink they will read this): i cant thank u guys enuf for coaching us, spending so much, coming down for rehearsals. i owe u guys a treat alright? :)
zp and jia: thanx for turning up! haha, and for being lost on the way here. "just turn left and walk straight..."  hahahahaha
went to far east after the perf and ate at 111 again. took neoprints with my angels. tink its one of the rare occasions that jamie joins us, so it was a day worth remembering. and i had no digi cam! :~( so we took this neoprint that made me look quite pandaish and weird. wasted my 7 bucks!
anyway i decided that i shall not comment in the chatterbox anymore. the highlight of the blog is no longer my entry, but more rebutting and rerebutting. as ping says, its a lil too childish and boring. complain all u wish anonymous. i cant speak for my friends, but i certainly will ignore your wadevers. freedom of speech u are right. go ahead lar. have fun.
oyasumi. sleepy. test on thursday. wan to pass this time round. btw wan to just mention tho i dunno y, tt a splat of bird shit drop on the edge of my laptop. mus buy 4d tmr sia.

monday, 1st april 2002, 11.05am
tian ah! i am so stressed! i know nuts about management accounting, sat here throughout the 2 hours almost pulling out all of my already dead looking hair. cindy promise to teach us liao, hopefully she will lar. :D
i will study very hard. will post up my study plan! erm, as soon as i get up one. prof is so nice.. i dowan to disappoint him.
and april fool is not funny at all...
poor ping is right in front of me trying to finish the last journal which is due in a few hours time. and i feel ugly wearing this super flare brown pants, cos i needed to wear formal and this is the only brown pants i have! flare leh! so... last season... then again i dowan to sound like a bimbo, otherwise definitely there will be more unknown too ashamed of own name ppl who will have more things to say again. 
soiree tickets to be sold on tuesday. gimme a bleep to book a tix k? :)

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