hui hui's diarium
feb 02


apr 01 | mar 01 | feb 02 | jan 01

28th february 2002, 9.56am

i'm still here in school! it's almost 10! but at least i had something useful - i completed my ltb essay #1! and i did 3/4 of my #2 liao, so left with not much. but so many things to do. have to study for my logic, MA, and mebbe stats. plus there is logic and creative thinking homework. oh god i feel like a nerd.

the ltb project is still quite not erm, confirmed, but most probably at mahalo. suddenly things are picking up just a lil better, and my stressful feelings are getting lesser cos i manage to ask jason to help me with my stomp project. he seems quite okay with it, and since he has always been quite capable ever since i knew him a few years ago, i'm leaving it to him. at least the poor not a lot of sense of rhythm girl will feel more accomplished, tho i dunno wad's the link. kakakaka

aiya cant type liaoz ping is rushing me. we are going home! stupid girl must be whining in stone about me now. :(((


27th february 2002, 11.19am


 *yawns* awaken by ping at unearthly hour of 10am. i did the powerpoint slides for my MA project until 2+ okie! *yawns* again.


going to sentosa later, feeling lazy, but hafta go. seems like mahalo is about to give us a sweeter deal than sunsetbay, going to check it out. TIRED!


tried to study for MA, was focused for about 20 mins, then hunger overwhelmed me. *kekekeke* now that i want to study again, i have to go out liaoz. STUPID HOLIDAY! not even a holiday at all. dun even get a day of stoning at home. not at all leh.


i think i whine too much. :P


26th february 2002, 1.04am

So ultra super duper tired today. din do much actually, bought typing of the dead disc @ jb, can't play leh, but bro's laptop can. damn. shall try again.

went to school and was blur for 3 hours about MA, then went to raffles studio to view my performance venue. nice black box like, but a lot of work is to be done. mark got this great dj for me for my ltb, and he's gonna do some video or homepage or something. wow that took a load off my shoulder man! i'm so afraid there is no time at all, and suddenly feel so glad that i have only 4 modules to handle this term.

anyhow, its time for bed. bed beckons. ja 


25th february 2002, 2.37am
one final update before i go and sleep. promise to sleep before 3.
finally did the cover page up liao. help came from the one closest to my heart *winks*, although he went to sleep liao. so nice...
tmr its final. i am going to jb. kakaka. that means no laptop. but its okay, at least i can concentrate. printed out the notes for the seminar tmr, hopefully its the correct set. sian lar think of the tests coming my way in week 9 makes me feel sick. and the presentations too. ok i sound like a nerd now. i must utilise my time fully this week! *determine*
my whole body is spoiling. when i rotate my wrist, you can hear the crack crack sound, my feet oso. like not enuf oil? dunno... speaking of oil and all tt (i dunno where is the link.. but erm) my bike is repaired finally. after years of stoning it's back to action. sad part is i lost my key to the lock, so stupid. can locksmith open the key one ah... shall ride to the locksmith on tuesday or some other day. so nice bike ready on holiday. kekeke
okay going to sleep now. mark if u are reading this now, sleep early ok? but try to finish your work lar. and pls comment in chatterbox :P
YEAH MY BOWLING BALL IS BEAUTIFUL... when u wan to bowl with me? *hums* 
24th february 2002, 10.50pm
i realised the new tripod, after being down for 2 days, has better features! i dun need to type html oso can have bold, underline and even colour when usually i need to use html. so shen qi. anyway quite happy now.
haven't been updating for the past few days,a lthough there isn;t much to say also lar.
did a bsb gig. quite exciting and fun, although we sang really quite badly and erm haha, i was the lead person in the slides, so basically got a lot of my pics, so no more image. but well a lot of people argued that i have no image in school in the first place, so it doesn;t really matter.!#$%s
anyway, just added a few things here and there in the entire homepage, but nothing of a great diff really. went out wif my hero today *winkS* to look for his breaking helmet but dun haf neh, outta stock. so poor thing. took a neoprint that looks awful. one thing i hate about ugly neoprints is, they are too ugly to look at, yet you spent money on it and will never throw it away. u tink it is ugly, but u just keep looking at it. right? humans are not that smart...
bruder is flying off to oz again, and wun be back for a year or so. *sobZ* haven't really spend time with him despite his return for about 3 months, really quite useless, and i always go home so late, all the projects lar. how to spend time at home... and im so so so broke. i need a job. i mean, i have one, but got no time to go work, so its kinda on hold. yeah, that sleazy jap place.
tuition will be fine. anyone who knows of anyone who wants tuition please try to contact me. i appreciate that. i got experience one ok...
going offline soon i guess. tmr still got skool tho its holidays. so super dupa sianz. family going jb, i want to go too
18th february 2002, 1.37am

so sleepy. had been preparing my presentation all night long. hopefully tommorrow will be good. tommorrow shall be playing badminton with my family, think i should, since bro is going back oz 2 weeks later. should spent more time with my family.

just read the 3-in-1 blog and poor ping is transformed into a GUY! by zp! hehe.. she is so poor thing... *hugz*

ok, its time to sleep. soon i mean. haven't gathered my speech properly. so tired. but still quite fun lar. :P

17th february 2002 1.44pm

sunday afternoon, and i am in school. curse of the uni students. but anyway its okay, not really stressful or anything, more immersed in the greenery of botantic gardens while planning for tommorrow's presentation. gonna be farni, will be taking some pix and will post up here ok? (who am i talking to???)

realised there are a lot of cute families who visit botanic gardens on sundays, ang moh and chinese alike. the usual packed filled with undergrads food haven is transformed into a typical foodcourt, with people looking more cheery. such a nice school i have! :)

waiting for daddy to fetch me home from his badminton session, guess he'll be asking me to treat him to laksa and/or fried oyster. hehe...


someone turned 21 about 24 hours ago! *smiles* Happy Birthday! Got surprise... but then since not online, so can't show.

anyway, haven't been online for the past 2 days online, and want to die liao. i think i'm quite turning into some online freak, so afraid about not adding my blog though i think like erm only >10 ppl visit it really regularly and care about my everyday life. anyway, quite a bit of things happened within this few days, so must updated you all lar

1. Vdae

Vdae was sweet. i had flowers sent by daren *hugz* and mark *hugz* early in the morning before i even woke up after a achy night after clubbing in my boots. then we met up for steamboat dinner (AGAIN) this time w/o the farni u-noe-wads. but the sweetest part of them all was the gift exchanging part. i bought some sarong looking skirt for ping hoping that she will turn guniang one day, a pair of cork-like birkies for mark and i got 2 new sports water bottle. the gold one looks damn good! so nice so nice i like it so much. later on i went down to plaza bowl to save poor little dear from some stupid ah bengs, and the sweet day ended such.

2. New ball:

bought my very own nice bowling ball and new dexter shoes. even bought a wrist guard cos i have no strength to hold the ball in the 'shakehand' position. still dunno how to hook properly, waiting for coaching to start in march. its a scout reactive 3 piece ball, 12lbs of a funny mixture of colour and pink & yellow rubber inserts. the dexter shoe is quite ugly, but its the better kind, so okay lar. overall excited and happy about it, but about $333 just flew off, and mummy is subsidising only 1/2 of it.

went to aunt jacque's place for some bbq after my round of bowling today. too little food lar, too many ppl came and luckily, sweet ppl from my little family chop some food for me before i arrived, cos i was late. some funny thoughts came to my mind on the way there again, but i'm quite okay now. little eden loves barney, and she is really talkative. seeing my aunt and uncle so loving with a complete family of 2 kids, a 2.5 yrs old girl and 4 months old boy makes me think so much about my future. i'd be so happy to be like them. papa was saying something about different phrase of life, first u are some kiddo, den u go to school and learn, go to work, have a family, then ur kids grow up into successful ppl, then u retire a happy person with ur loved other half. life can be so simple and sweet. if only.

14th february 2002, 4.36am

end of day two of the chinese new year, all washed up and smelling nice nice liao. :)

didn't do much of bai nian today, more like having visitors. two set of uncle and aunt turned up (at unearthly hour - 9.30am!). my baby cousins eden and matthew are growing so fast. eden is 2+, and now talks a lot, tho its quite difficult to understand. she is so cute, and i am so jealous of her babysmooth hair. I WAN! matt is 3 months old, but he is SO big. and he is a happy baby, cos he just smile and laugh when you play with him. he is not the irritating babies that cry all day long. at least his sweet smile makes up for it lar. i simply lurrrvvveee kids. i can't understand why some people dislike babies and toddlers. i mean, they are so harmless, so cute, so vulnerable, so wanting attention. but ok lar, dogs are cute too, and i dun like them... so.... oh whatever. :P

tried very hard to speak hokkien for the past two days. quite funny lar, cos i can understand but can't speak fluently. so sad. shall start to learn. and i want to learn hakka too. suddenly so onto getting my roots.

anyway afterthat at night i went clubbing. has been ages since i last clubbed. the last time that i can significantly remember of me clubbing is end of nov, at black. the post exam happiness thingy. after that, apart from wine bars, never really club liao. so not the clubbing person nowadays, even tried to give a look of disgust when ping jioed me there. hee. was planning to go to chinablack, but ended up going to zouk for mambo because the guys age limit is 23 and our little sweet boy is underage. kakaka. surprisingly it was really quite fun, apart from it being too squashy. there was this girl that was so irritating, keep trying to push me over cos it was very squeezy. i gave her a hard bang against my back and she almost fell over. please lor, if you dowan to be squashed, dun go club. stay at home and play with your elephant plush toy. fancy acting like a kid, push push push, lean lean lean. should have moved away when she leaned on me to make her fall down. hmpf!

anyway zouk gave me so many memories, and stupid things happened there also. not that i am like so much of a clubbing person lar, but hee so funny. still remember the times where we were quite high. i'm not like damn good at drinking, but i dun get drunk easily. but there was once where this guy bought a jug and gave it to me, and i drank like half of it, after a lambourgini n a house drink. i was so happy i just kept blabbering non stop. so stupid. and jamie hid under the bar table. when she came over to my house after that, i fell down in my kitchen and she refused to save me and stoned at the sofa. aiya mebbe the way i put it isn't exciting, but i think so can liao. :P then there was mic's bf who pushed me cos i "alwiz bring her to this kinda place", and i pushed him back, at the entrance of zouk at 3am. so comical. oh watever. :P

13th february 2002, 12.28am

happy new year boys and girls. hope you all had a good time and lots of ang baos today. today was another usual chu yi, go bai nian and collect ang bao. as the economy goes bad, more people are having the habit of bi nian, and there goes my income for february. *big sigh*

anyway, funny thing about today is, eversince i dyed my hair and all, people are starting not to recognise me. maybe relatives are having bad memories from meeting up once a year and all lar (sometimes even longer). anyway some thought i am the girlfriend of my brother, cos i look ang moh (?) and others relate me to some j pop star *lol* ok lar a bit the bhb here but im not showing off really, just found it amusing. and the usual "wah so prrreeeettttyyy" then pinch your cheeks are quite irritating at times. somehow chinese new year has become a go-more-place-to-get-more-money event for most of us, and the mood is really not there at all. went river hong bao that day, so boring. so commercialised, so un-chinese new year like. but then again i oso dunno what i mean by very chinese new year like too. i guess it's the curse of a too multi racial society, where there is really chapalang of everything. new years became clubbing and gambling nights. so sad.
9th february 2002, 1.14am

came online but my usual best friends are not online leh. one must be sleeping from exhaustion of (attempt to) studying, the other watching tv/ sleeping somemore. anyway just came back an hour ago. someone got THE BOWLING BALL liaoz. he was like SOOoOOOOoOO happy, keep asking me if he is dreaming anot. it's a 14.4 pound purplish blue ball that is uretha (?) material. upgraded the set to a dexter black bowling shoe, look so damn nice. later, he whined and forced me to let him try his ball, n not bad leh i thought the ball's gonna wash the drain cos he is not used to it, but in the end it did not bad. *:P somehow i tink he will go katong to bowl tmr by himself, confirm one lar. and wun tell me abt it.

but then ping is angry with me, or at least she whined in our three in one blog.

went to beach rd and bought something suitable for somebody for vdae. *hiak hiak hiak* so sweet of me. i realised that there are really lots of things to buy there, but too little time. shall go there and shop hard one day. fake adidas shoes are 35 bucks, cheaper than stupid heeren, which doesn't even have to word ADIDAS there.

going to sleep soon. tmr cham liaoz.
8th february 2002, 2.08pm

in the library again, going to start studying liaoz. borrowed the text, but because this is some 'hot text' so i can only borrow it for 2 pathetic hours. afterwhich i have to run down and renew and run up again. so irritating!

anyway, as you can see, i have got a chatterbox! but unfortunately it is black text. dun ask me why, i dunno how to change it. mebbe its more mysterious lidat lar, anyway, there will most probable be only 3 to kaypohs typing in there. :P


came online to show off my accomplishment after i reach home. although it is not all too statistical, but hey i did a lot of things.

1. i read stats and so-call finished studying. studying i mean, as in, remembering the jc shit all over again. so tmr can just read read and practise abit. anyway its open book.

2. i taught my sister and helped her with her hw

3. i DDRed. :P

4. i erm... no more liaoz

but mind u, i reach home at 9+

so be proud of me.

7th february 2002, 6.44pm

today is such a rushed day. woke up in the morning late, and rushed to school for the MA test. unfortunately, as i was smsing my dad to buy me a new calculator, and the bus zoomed pass me. i was already late. sigh. couldn't get a cab, so took a bus to toa payoh then got the cab. got to class just in time b4 the test started. but then i failed the test. actually got 5/10, but because of the negative marking, *sigh*. i tried very hard to study, but still failed. :( made 2 or 3 super horrible mistake that is SO DUMB. should have gotten at least a 6 or something. ARGHZ.

anyway, after the test, me and ping ate sinful codfish meal with a scoop of icecream. :x

here we are at the library now, after attempt to study. probably its the after-failing test sydrome, din haf quite much mood lar. but anyway still tried abit, and once again i tried a bit harder than ping, who keep insisting on going home. finally became her tuition teacher and tried my best to teach her, but then again, after 2 questions of understanding, she decided to go home again. we fought inside the project room with our little pillows. so bo liao. and once again we sinned. but not much lar, just a pack of chips only. accomplished quite a lot today leh, wrote our MA proposal liaoz. kakaka

decided to study hard for stats cos i shall show tt stupid tutor that his lesson is redundant and i can do not bad w/o him. hmpf! shall study hard tonight and tmr night.


unlike ping, i am really not very faithful to this blog eversince i started not to come online tt often. maybe this is the curse of THE DIALUPS, but at least i have a life offline... dum didi dum

anyway, stoned at the school library from about 12+ all the way to 7 and tried to my very best to study real hard for the upcoming MA test, which is later. Ate rubbish like nori (seaweed), some tuna shit (which happen to be diet friendly), and somemore stuff that i can't remember. anyway we checked the calories and fat content before we eat. sheesh, sound like some health freak.

later on mark came to smu and we went jogging at the tracks. ran nonstop with ping for 6 rounds, but mark insisted it was 5. aiyo almost died. too long nv run liao. we decided to run more often, ping says 3 times a week after school. should be alright. hee, and we'll look good @ my beach party!

met mr hero at bedok, but all wun that happy cos of some misunderstanding, but it was all solved in the end, i got to eat my meh meh tang again. so ok lar. saw some fake gucci shades, and started to daydream about me being a tai tai again. kakakaka.

yesterday didn't go for stats. one thing because the lesson is quite useless one, the other is because i need to go and interview the person in charge for my MA project, since she isn't free any other time. although it was another skip class day, i accomplished a lot. the project is more than half completed already. after the interview we went to blood cafe to type out the interview answers and crap, i actually fell asleep there for 20 mins! woke up early to drive, explains why i am so tired lar.

wanted to go straight home after that, but then hang around town for a while till about 10 then went home. there was these 2 army guys that were talking about some get-a-gf scheme, "find one to pei you lar, 6 months later then pang seh". SHEESH. i mean, hell to all guys like this. i mean, really, juz go burn in hell and may ur dick be burnt off forever. i was so irritated i wanted to turn around and slap his face. but being a democratic nation (maybe trying to be), people have freedom of speech, so sigh. wadever. *curses his dick*
4th february 2002, 4.49pm

ARGH. Hang again! fuck fuck fuck. i overslept. or rather, it is more like overfatigue. i was so so so tired for all the late nites and early mornings for the past few days. missed my MA class, but i guess it is okay, i mean, it's better than dragging myself to school and falling asleep in the class. hee excuse.

beach party again. its more or less settled. 4th may 2002, 3pm - 3am. Bigger and better than Zouk Out!

3rd february 2002, 11.59pm

so much things happened these 2 days, i am just feeling so excited to tell everyone of you! (although not many read my blog though :<)


as what i have tried very hard to publicise on my other pages, yesterday and today was the IVP bo wling event, and i was part of smu's glory *ahem* *lol* nothing can describe the feeling of being in that competition, you just feel the emotional trauma, this i really feel it, unlike the attempt at making us traumatised in the creative thinking class the other day. the mood was intense. i knew i wouldn't win. i had no ball, no coach, a 30 bucks bowling shoe and no experience at competitions. yet i went. for the experience of course. and the experience was great, as in it wasn't all about the happiness and shit, but more like i-learnt-a-lot from this. it really feels different to be bowling under such a setting, especially day one, where you and ur team members are spilt up. the i-wan-to-haf-fun mood was not matched by bowlers of other institutions, who were so ultra serious about everything. pocket couldn't be hit, the 1 pin couldn't be spared. frustrations overwhelmed me, fear and embarrassement as well. will i get last? i asked. i vowed not to be the bottom 10 of the 52 girls bowling, and i hope to be in at least the 3rd quarter percentile. i paniked, i missed. i relax, throw slow, i spared. the game got better and better, scored got higher and higher each game. at the end of it? yup, i did manage to get out of the top 10 (from the bottom). day two, team members got to play together. the mood was relaxed. everyone went through that feeling a day ago, and it was over. being with your own friends, you feel much better. and with 2 vannessas, it surely lightened the mood. we were having more fun than caring about how well we bowled, and gave each other moral support. vanessa did exceptionally well, almost got 3rd place, and lost to this NTU gurl by 1 pin! Just 1! it was just another pin. *sigh* but well, i'll never forget the experience i gained. beware, next year, smu will be back with a vengence. this time round, with proper coaches and players better improved. i'll get my own ball. We'll Be Back.

with this i would like to thank all the people whom actually went down to support me, although there wasn't much to look at, since i did so badly.

after that we went to stadium boulevard. there was the international weekend market shit. it was quite boring, but we manage to make the best out of it cos me and mark tried hard to act as some nihonji. so farni. hee... later we went to cosy bay. we went up to the tower. the scenic was not that fantastic, but not bad lar. zp and mark and me started to miss band and talked a lot about it. ping therefore, was bored and daydreamed.

2nd february 2002, 1.00am

freaking irritating! this must be the worst cca in the world. apparently the 745 unearthly reporting time is "just to be sure", when the fact is girls play at 1pm! GRRRRR. i thought as senior members of the team they should eliminate all ambiguities. apparently they did not. if vanessa did not msg me in time, i'd be 1 of the only 2 girls who are stupid enough to turn up at 8 and rot my day till 1, until i so exhausted and pek cek den make me play bowling.


mebbe i should just get some personal coach. smu sux. sometimes.

and i'm gonna reach there when the clock says PM. not AM. not 8AM.

1st february 2002, 6.24pm

going to be the end of school soon. lessons wasn't as boring as i thought, logic passed very quickly and then during creative thinking, my face was painted. so proud of myself for being such a nice girl who is so willing to sacrifice myself to be displayed as a ornament. we were expected to walk around the school somemore! but ok lar...

going to eat at clementi sunset way that seafood buffet thingy later. quite happy. again quite sinful, but i promise to only eat yong tau hu. :P *as if*


happy february everybody! fresh new start to the month, a fresh new beginning!

had driving lessons again today, i mean yesterday, and my instructor concluded that my driving is okay, but i am just very scary, midway use phone, or speed up too fast, never check blind spot. aiya so irritating and marfan! *sigh* Pass my test pass! anyway i still think i wun pass the first time one, cos erm i dunno, i just knock down the pole just now?

last minute went to sentosa with ping to save her from her fate of being a xiao bai, and luckily mr sun was being nice to us and offered his sunrays to us for a few hours. what that would seem to be quite a boring day to others turned out to be really quite fun. we were enjoying the sun with grapes, apple, green tea and gin. machiam picnic right! we ended up feeding the leftover and a bit spoiled grapes to the birds. we really can bitch about everything, even the bird was deemed 'stoning'. so farni. anyway after that we went to the toilet and saw a huge spider, screamed like hell n no one came to save us. and i think i grew tanner again, although i tried very hard to protect myself with spf 15. mark said if i tan somemore i will turn into ah pu neh.

went down to queensway again for the 2nd time in 2 days, walked around a bit but only bought an obiang looking clip to be worn on saturday and some hair saviour thing for my dry/damaged hair. the auntie selling the conditioner thought i was a nihoji, tried to speak in a farni manner. hahaha. must be my hair lar. and the other day at the badminton hall this uncle thought i was from australia, meaning, an ang moh my bro brought home from aussie. gawd i'm losing my sense of identity. and i really don't think i look like a nihonji. guess it's just the typical tan girl with blonde hair look that little harajuku girls try to achieve, and i did not seek to look like them. it just happened. lol

ate at ikea with ping and mark, cos he needed to pass me the polo tee which i want to borrow to wear on sat. that made my sweetie a lil sad, cos i forgot all about him. i really din know he had a polo tee too, i mean... although all guys should have. *sigh* mebbe i should be more SNAG (sensitive new age girl) towards him. keke. i sound such a sweet gf!

31st january 2002, 12.39am

end of yet another day. finally got my bus pass replaced, got the waist pouch i wanted, and bought my track shoe i needed badly. bought the air kukini red, quite happy, although it is quite a wayang shoe, too red lar, but who cares. :P

went for training again, played so badly today. quite scared i will malu myself at ivp on sat, i'm of course not hoping to win, just dun be the last can already. speaking of ivp, i realised its not at 2pm, but we have to report at 7.45am!!!! SUCH UNEARTHLY TIME! but no choice though. sigh. imagine i am allocated the 2pm slot, will just sit there and rot the day away. maybe can even go watch movie and come back. lol. and i realised that there really is a dress code in competitions. no jeans, no longs, just shorts/ skirt. polo teeshirts. anyway because of that i bought a pair of not-so-short shorts for the game. have to go dig out my polo ralph tee which i dunno throw where liao. ha so exciting. n my dearest dark angel even have the cheek to contemplate on going to acjc's fun-o-rama to see chiobu n NOT come SUPPORT ME! !@#$%.. at least i know that there will surely be some sweet ppl, like some of my angels (hopefully) & the hero of my heart who will become my diehard fan cum pompom girls/gay for the day. V is for victory!

met kit and mark after the training, mark told me this farni thing about he n ping buying fruits happily at bugis street, n once the guy say 'ey good good buy for ur gf', they immediately turn n left, made the uncle stunned n ???. haha so farni... anyway, we went to universal archery (or something) to shoot arrow. its officially the 2nd time i am playing, but its really the first. i did much better than expected. i thought i am going to shoot bird all the way, still manage to get one sad bullseye. later we went to the arcade n they tried very hard to bully me in this funny car game whereby the car A will carry the bomb n once car B gets hit by car A it then carry the bomb, so the last person who carries the bomb loses. played like 3 times and i lose 0 times! *kakaka* then we discovered this really lifelike driving game, with all the racing cars, honda R, evo IV. u just name it. amazing thing is when u never step on clutch n change gear the car will have tt sound like the real car. haha. but in front of 2 guys, decided not to sia suay myself too much, shall leave driving to tmr's lesson, which aiyo so boring. i dun wanna learn car, i wanna own the license. QUICK QUICK lemme PASS!

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